Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 5 - Hardee County

This map shows the invasive plants and wetlands of Hardee County, FL. The data was collected from the Florida Geographic Data Library and the Land Boundary Information Systems websites. I am beginner to GIS and I wondered where all the data comes from...this project helped me understand this. It is hard to believe that gathering data is excluded from GIS coursework. In the real world, this step is crucial.

As for the map... I do not know what happened with the scale bar but I just could not get numbers to correlate with the county map. Also, think the DRG Quad map is incorrect but I was unsure of what steps were needed to correct it. Collecting the data and was a little tricky at first but went smoothly once I figured it out. My goal was to get all the information on one map, which proved to be more work than If I had seperated the data into three maps. Overall, this project was a challenge, and aside from the forementioned issues above, I am okay with the final outcome.

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